MOU graphic

Lois et instruments réglementaires

Notre mission est de responsabiliser l’industrie. Nous veillons à ce que les opérateurs respectent les règles et les exigences établies par la législation.

Nous appliquons les règles et les exigences contenues dans la législation afin de garantir que les ressources énergétiques de la zone extracôtière Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse soient exploitées de manière responsable tout en protégeant ce qui compte : la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs extracôtiers et de l'environnement. Pour mieux définir et expliquer nos attentes en matière de conformité à ces règles et exigences, nous élaborons et publions un certain nombre d'instruments réglementaires de soutien tels que des lignes directrices, des directives et des avis. De plus, notre chef de la sécurité peut exiger que les exploitants élaborent ou suivent des codes de pratique. Ces instruments réglementaires nous aident à nous assurer que les exploitants connaissent et respectent leurs obligations législatives.

Afin d'assurer une coordination efficace et d'éviter la duplication des travaux et des activités, nous avons conclu un certain nombre de protocoles d'entente et d'accords avec d'autres ministères et organismes gouvernementaux. Cela nous permet notamment de tirer parti de la vaste expertise qui existe au sein du secteur public pour nous assurer de prendre les meilleures décisions réglementaires.

Apprenez-en davantage sur la législation et les différents types d’instruments réglementaires que nous utilisons ci-dessous.

Les lois, qui comprennent les lois, sont élaborées par le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse et établissent les règles et les exigences que nous mettons en œuvre et appliquons en ce qui concerne les activités énergétiques dans la zone extracôtière Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse.


Accord de partenariat

Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord


Lois de mise en œuvre des Accords

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation and Offshore Renewable Energy Management ActCanada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation and Offshore Renewable Energy Management (Nova Scotia) Act 


Frontière entre les zones extracôtières Canada–Nouvelle-Écosse et Canada-Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

Arbitration between Newfoundland & Labrador and Nova Scotia Concerning Portions of the Limits of the Offshore Areas


Autres lois applicables

FederalProvincial (Nova Scotia)
Donkin Coal Block Development Opportunity ActUndersea Coal Mines Regulation Act 
Joint Notice Specifying the Prohibition Period For Certain Activities on Georges BankJoint Notice Specifying the Prohibition Period For Certain Activities on Georges Bank 

Nous avons conclu un certain nombre de protocoles d’entente avec d’autres organismes et organisations du gouvernement pour favoriser le partage d’informations et la coordination des activités, entre autres. Cela nous aide à tirer parti de notre expertise, à échanger des connaissances et à partager des ressources pour faire avancer notre mandat.

Veuillez noter qu’à mesure que nous devenonsla Régie Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de l’énergie extracôtière, certains de ces protocoles d’entente et accords devront être mis à jour pour refléter notre nouveau nom et nos responsabilités élargies. Ces liens seront mis à jour au fur et à mesure que ces documents seront mis à jour.


OrganizationMOU/Agreement PurposeMOU/Agreement Reference
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador 
Offshore Petroleum Board
Cooperation and coordination in areas of mutual interest and benefit, to support the promotion of safety, security, environmental protection, and resource conservation in respective areas of regulatory jurisdiction.

Memorandum of Understanding between the National Energy Board, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Coordination and Regulatory Matters 

Canadian Coast GuardCoordinate activities related to safety and environmental response and promote safety and environmental protection through effective spill preparedness and response training and exercises.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and the Canadian Coast Guard - Coordination of Activities

Employment and Social Development CanadaExchange of employment information that relates to work or activities subject to Canada-Nova Scotia Benefits Plans.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Employment and Social Development Canada - Exchange of Employment Information 

Environment and Climate Change CanadaPromote protection of the environment, preparedness and response to oil spills, and conservation of migratory birds and species at risk during offshore oil and gas activities.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Environment and Climate Change Canada - Protection of the Environment

Work Plans/Progress Reports:

2024 Work Plan

2023 Annual Progress Report

2023 Work Plan

2022 Annual Progress Report

2022 Work Plan

2021 Work Plan

2021 Annual Progress Report

2020 Work Plan

2020 Annual Progress Report

2019 Work Plan

2019 Annual Progress Report

2018 Annual Progress Report

2018 Work Plan Activities

2017 Annual Progress Report

2017 Work Plan Activities

2016 Annual Progress Report

Fisheries and Oceans CanadaFacilitate and promote effective coordination and collaboration on the development and implementation of integrated management plans for marine and coastal waters in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Coordination of Activities and Collaboration of Integrated Management Plans

Work Plans/Progress Reports:

2024 Work Plan

2023 Annual Progress Report

2023 Work Plan

2022 Annual Progress Report

2022 Work Plan

2021 Work Plan

2021 Annual Progress Report

2020 Work Plan

2020 Annual Progress Report

2019 Work Plan

2019 Annual Progress Report

2018 Annual Progress Report

2018 Work Plan Activities

2017 Annual Progress Report

2017 Work Plan Activities

2016 Annual Progress Report

National Energy BoardCooperation and coordination in areas of mutual interest and benefit, and support the promotion of safety, security, environmental protection, and resource conservation in respective areas of regulatory jurisdiction.

Memorandum of Understanding between the National Energy Board, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Coordination and Regulatory Matters 

National Energy BoardCooperation and coordination of roles related to monitoring and compliance of pipelines used in oil and gas activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between the National Energy Board and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Pipelines

National Energy BoardEncourage effective public participation, promote certainty and predictability of processes, avoid regulatory duplication and increase efficiencies in the review of Development Projects

Memorandum of Understanding between National Energy Board,  Natural Resources Canada, and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines - Concurrent Development Plan Review and Approval

Natural Resources CanadaEstablish an understanding of roles with respect to the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples in relation to offshore activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Aboriginal Consultation 

Natural Resources CanadaAdministration of Part III of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Administration of Part III of Accord Acts

Natural Resources CanadaAdministration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Administration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Accord Acts

Natural Resources CanadaEncourage effective public participation, promote certainty and predictability of processes, avoid regulatory duplication and increase efficiencies in the review of Development Projects

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, National Energy Board and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines - Concurrent Development Plan Review and Approval

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and RenewablesEstablish an understanding of roles with respect to the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples in relation to offshore activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Aboriginal Consultation 

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and RenewablesAdministration of Part III of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Administration of Part III of Accord Acts

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and RenewablesAdministration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act.

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Administration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Accord Acts

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and RenewablesEncourage effective public participation, promote certainty and predictability of processes, avoid regulatory duplication and increase efficiencies in the review of Development Projects

Memorandum of Understanding between the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Natural Resources Canada and the National Energy Board  - Concurrent Development Plan Review and Approval

Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced EducationAdministration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act. 

Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Administration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Accord Acts

Transport CanadaCoordination of activities to avoid duplication of work in relation to marine safety, occupational health and safety, and environmental protection related to oil and gas activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Marine Safety

Transport CanadaCoordination of activities, cooperation, and consultation to promote marine security in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board – Marine Security

Transport CanadaCoordination of activities with respect to the respective regulatory mandate of offshore petroleum-related activities.

Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Civil Aviation

Transportation Safety BoardCoordination of activities regarding transportation occurrences in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Transportation Safety Board and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Coordination of Activities During Transportation Occurrences

Treasury Board of Canada SecretariatSets out roles and responsibilities in relation to the Access to Information and Privacy Online Request Service, and specifies terms and conditions under which the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat will collect, use, distribute, dispose and transmit of requests.

Memorandum of Understanding between Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and The Institution - ATIP Online Request Service

Nous élaborons des lignes directrices qui fournissent des détails supplémentaires et des conseils aux opérateurs pour se conformer à la législation. Dans certains cas, nos lignes directrices sont élaborées conjointement avec d'autres organismes de réglementation.

Veuillez noter qu’à mesure que nous devenonsla Régie Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de l’énergie extracôtière, certains de ces protocoles d’entente et accords devront être mis à jour pour refléter notre nouveau nom et nos responsabilités élargies. Ces liens seront mis à jour au fur et à mesure que ces documents seront mis à jour.


DateDocument TitleAuthor

DRAFT – Safety Plan Guideline 


DRAFT – Guideline for the Framework Regulations 


DRAFT – Contingency Plan Guideline 


DRAFT – Environmental Protection Plan Guideline 


Administrative Monetary Penalty Guideline 


Standby Vessel Guideline 


Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Guideline 


Guideline for the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 


Data Acquisition Guideline 


Measurement Guideline 


Offshore Chemical Selection Guideline 


Cost Recovery Guideline


Guidelines Respecting Financial Requirements 


Offshore Waste Treatment Guidelines 


Canada-Nova Scotia Benefits Plan Guidelines 


Compensation Guidelines Respecting Damages Relating to Offshore Petroleum Activity 


Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Members of the Canada-Nova Scotia Petroleum Board 


Guidelines on Plans and Authorizations Required for Development Projects 


Guidelines on the Issuance of Exploration Licences - applies to Call for Bids NS 12-1 and Forward 


Guidelines Regarding Applications for Significant or Commercial Discovery Declarations and Amendments 


Incident and Investigation Guidelines 


Land Division Guideline 


Nous émettons deux types de directives :

  • Les directives de sécurité/sûreté sont des exigences supplémentaires à la réglementation telles que déterminées par notre responsable de la sécurité.
  • Les directives environnementales sont des exigences supplémentaires à la réglementation telles que déterminées par notre responsable de la conservation.

Le respect des directives de sécurité/environnement est intégré aux conditions de toute autorisation d'activité.

Veuillez noter que l'Office Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse des hydrocarbures extracôtiers (OCNEHE) est devenu l'organisme de Régie Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de l’énergie extracôtière le 31 janvier 2025. Les directives rédigées avant cette date feront référence à l'OCNEHE.

DateSafety/Security Directives

Fatigue Management Code of Practice 


Security of Offshore Installations and Facilities 

DateSafety/Security & Conservation Directive

Regulatory Queries


Nous publions des avis pour fournir des informations sur les incidents importants du secteur et/ou des conseils concernant les exigences ou les attentes réglementaires.

Veuillez noter que l'Office Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse des hydrocarbures extracôtiers (OCNEHE) est devenu l'organisme de Régie Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de l’énergie extracôtière le 31 janvier 2025. Les avis rédigées avant cette date feront référence à l'OCNEHE.

DateSafety Notices

Safety Notice - COVID-19


New Phone Number for Immediate Verbal Reporting


DateLands Management Notices

Transition Plan for Land Nominations


Work Deposit Deferral Policy

Les codes de pratique sont des règles écrites qui expliquent comment les personnes qui travaillent dans des professions ou des lieux de travail particuliers doivent se comporter. Les lois de mise en œuvre autorisent notre chef de la sécurité à exiger qu'un employeur établisse ou adopte un code de pratique concernant la santé et la sécurité au travail sur son lieu de travail, y compris le transport vers le lieu de travail.

Veuillez noter que l'Office Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse des hydrocarbures extracôtiers (OCNEHE) est devenu l'organisme de Régie Canada-Nouvelle-Écosse de l’énergie extracôtière le 31 janvier 2025. Les codes de pratique rédigées avant cette date feront référence à l'OCNEHE.

Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Industry Safe Lifting Practice Respecting the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Materials Handling Equipment, 2023 (CoP-SL)

Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Code of Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Offshore Personnel, 2023 (CoP-TQ)

Presentation - Overview of the changes to the 2023 CoP-TQ

Fatigue Management

Transportation of Employees by Helicopter to or from a Workplace in the Offshore Petroleum Industry – East Coast Canada (2020)