The Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Code of Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Offshore Personnel (CoP-TQ) updated September 15, 2023
The 2023 Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Code of Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Offshore Personnel (CoP-TQ) has been published. The CoP-TQ is the culmination of a joint effort among the offshore petroleum industry, drilling contractors, the offshore workforce, and regulatory authorities to produce a single document containing a concise description of the minimum qualifications and certificated safety training required of individuals working in Atlantic Canada’s offshore petroleum industry. The CoP-TQ is considered a Code of Practice under sections 210.016 and 210.021 of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, and the CNSOPB’s Chief Safety Officer requires Operators and Employers to adopt this Code of Practice in their workplaces during authorized activities. The CoP-TQ document and a presentation which describes the updates to the document can be found on the CNSOPB website at the following link: Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Code of Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Offshore Personnel, 2023 (CoP-TQ)