Registre central Un registre contenant des informations relatives au mandat, aux rapports et aux documents du RCNEEE. Child Menu Blocks (Rendered in Node Template) Rechercher Date de début Date de fin Type - Any -Codes of PracticeDirectivesGuidelineMemoranda of Understandings and AgreementsNoticesPublicationRegulationsReportResourceStatutes Intérêt commercial - Any -Board GoveranceCall for BidsLegal Mandat - Any -ConservationData Collection, Curation and DistributionEnvironmentHealth and SafetyIndustrial BenefitsLicencesResource Evaluation 2016 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT JOINT 2016 WORK PLAN ACTIVITIES CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD FISHERIES and OCEANS CANADA AND ENWRONMENT and CLIMATE CHANGE CANADA - 12/02/2016 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements, Report 2017 WORK PLAN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA AND ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE CANADA - 12/02/2016 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements, Report 2017 WORK PLAN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA AND ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE CANADA - 02/16/2016 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements, Report 2016 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT JOINT 2016 WORK PLAN ACTIVITIES CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD FISHERIES and OCEANS CANADA AND ENWRONMENT and CLIMATE CHANGE CANADA - 02/12/2016 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements, Report Memorandum of Understanding between the Transportation Safety Board and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Coordination of Activities During Transportation Occurrences - 02/04/2016 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Aboriginal Consultation - 09/16/2015 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Memorandum of Understanding between Natural Resources Canada, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Aboriginal Consultation - 07/13/2015 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Memorandum of Understanding between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Environment and Climate Change Canada - Protection of the Environment - 04/22/2015 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements MOU BETWEEN THE NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD (NEB), THE CANADA-NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD (C-NLOPB), AND THE CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD (CNSOPB) - 02/02/2015 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Memorandum of Understanding between the National Energy Board, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Coordination and Regulatory Matters - 01/29/2015 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Regulatory Queries - 12/31/2014 Directives MOU between NRCAN, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education, and the CNSOPB - Administration of Part III.1 - Occupational Health and Safety Regime under the Accord Acts - 11/12/2014 Memoranda of Understandings and Agreements Pagination First page « première Previous page ‹ précédente … Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page suivante › Last page dernière »